The world isn't as big as it sometimes seems, not when you're a flu virus anyway! Use those hankies folks!
I see it's been a week since my last post, and I've been very tardy in replying to comments. This might be the case for a week or two as I'm busy working on a competition entry and I'm determined to give it my all! Apologies to those who have left a comment and haven't received one in kind as I usually try to do. I'll post more on the competition when I have chance! Thanks as always for stopping by :)
What a cute interpretation of this issue. Love your pig!
Ach-oink, ach-oink!
Well, be sure to get enough rest - counts as much as hankie use. Good luck with the competition.
JAJAJA... I dont know if love it ot hate it... I am from mexico.
...anyway, i obviesly love it! jaja is sooooooooo fuk"·$ great.
Hey Matt! sup!
huhuahauhuahauhauha! lol! Swine Flue looks cute for sure! here!
Hope all is well with you!
Take care amongst the dangers of this world....
Keep well! Wrote to you! Hope you got the letter bro!
Ha ha, swine flu has even made it's way down here to NZ dude! The world is indeed a small place! Nice pic!!
Very funny!!!
The pig seems to float like a balloon.....a biohazard balloon :-)
Great design!
i am in texas and love his picture... so apropos.
I like it. I like it a lot. The picture, not the disease.
Funny pig face! Like the picture and the reminder!
Love the illustration. Ms Piggy loves it too.
He's not contagious, is he? Really like the corrugated look on this one... you have the best textures. Hope life is treating you well.
very awesome design and powerfull movement. Congratulations!!
awww he is one cute pig and I love the green bits of color!
Good luck with the children's book competition - is it the Julia Donaldson/Guardian one? That sounded like great fun.
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