A long and crappy day in my regular day job today so I badly needed something to let off steam and remind me life is colourful and fun! These little shrimps (or the singular as plural if you prefer) have been sitting in my sketch book since I had call to make use of them. Thought I'd let them out and play... I'm happier now.
Brilliant! We all ought to do stuff "for the love" more often. Thanks for the reminder.
i am happier now too! these are rad!
Matt, you're too talented.
cool man i like
each of them has the own personality :)
excellent matt! I love their varied expressions and positions. the black background and the looseness of the drawing make such an impact.
Brilliant -- love the range of character and expression.
Hihihi!!! They, is so funny!!! I have seen in their eyes so much Courage!!!
Great expressions and colours!
It happens a lot to me when I can focus. I try to think in something different and you can come back more effective than ever.
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