This quick pic was in response to a fantastic series of programmes which started last friday on BBC radio 4. For the next 10 weeks David Attenborough (national treasure and natural history icon) is presenting 10 minute talks on any natural history topic which takes his fancy. Last week's was all about the 3 toed sloth and best of all they are also available as a free podcast to download and keep. I cannot recommend them enough. If you can, tune in and enjoy. I can see myself being inspired with more subject matter as the series runs!
I wanted this to be an exercise in working quickly. A ten minute radio programme inspiring, if not a ten minute pic, then something more off the cuff. I had the plant doodles sitting on my work easel for an age wanting to do something with them. I scanned them in with a mind to using them as an underlay but I suddenly thought why overwork things when I can push for a graphic result with what I already had. It's those spur of the moment choices which sometimes end up really surprising you.
Many thanks to everyone who has left such positive comments for the last post with the Waterstone's competition images. I've had a busy few days and haven't replied to comments as I'd like to but I really appreciate the feedback! Think I'll get over the disappointment... it's all a learning curve :)
I can't imagine that hanging by your toes is very comfortable. But he seems to be enjoying it regardless. Great stuff , and the background just looks so right!
Thanks for sharing this -- sloths are one of my favourite animals!
Very ironic that you decided to do a quick illustration of a sloth though...
great color, great shapes- I'm a big fan, matt.
This turned out just great - thumbs up for careful planning combined with spur of the moment decisions. Bessie-Belle is super too! Call me a big fan as well.
Hi Matt, I missed the show about the sloth, but the show about the titan lily and the raffleasia was interesting. That Mr Attenborough has had an enviable life hasn't he.
Coincidently I drew a sloth in my sketch book a couple of weeks ago. I'll spruce it up a bit and post it on my blog.
The verification word for this post was 'swaggled', which could be the verb to descibe a three toed sloth movement.
Di I tell you that I love this piece?
I will, remind me!
verification: braties... a new cereal for kids.
Perfect illo! Congrat!
HAHAHA! I'm loving these one brother! Really!
Keep inspiring man! keep it up!
This piece is full of slothy goodness.
Love the plant doodle background too.
Lovely beastie - He looks like a gourmet surveying his choices.
Looks terrific; that background texture is really a neat addition. Has a great retro vibe.
It can't truly work, I believe like this.
The verification word for this post was 'swaggled', which could be the verb to descibe a three toed sloth movement.
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