Over the half way hummock with the book illustrations. The next set of sketches is for the poem "Lonely Tree". A slight change of mood with this poem about a depressed tree that asks of a passerby to chop it down and put it out of it's misery. The kind hearted individual refuses to do the dirty deed but instead offers to be the trees friend and keep it company. Now the poem didn't describe the passerby in any depth but for me making him a lumberjack adds a quirky significance and depth to this friendship, a kind of skewed view more fitting to the rest of the book. I hope it doesn't water down the warmth of the poem with needless humour or the potentially macabre 'axe argument incident' which might occur?! For me lumberjacks always have an instant visual appeal if only because of Monty Python and 'that' song... Perhaps this grizzled trunk thumper, (or is it bark basher, log lopper...?) always yerned to be a tree surgeon just as Michael Palin's barber longed for the life of the lumberjack..."leaping from tree to tree...etc...etc...! Maybe I should give my lumberjack suspenders and a bra, and a plate of buttered scones to eat :)
It might be enough to give him a "mum" tattoo, let the reader do the rest?
Great stuff. Really like the tree.
These are just awesome! I'm lovin' your sketches.
I´ve missed your last work and this is excellent!!! Perhaps one of the best stuff I´ve seen lately.
By the way, do you know Mingote?
he he! yes I know that song, that's hilarious! your tree is very lovely I would be friend of him :)
Super nice!
This is all kinds of awesome Mr Dawson.
your ilustration looks like a child a cartoon, and for that reason I have to say congratulations, I can't find my inner child, but you not only can find it, you expressed.
let me tell you that this post is not just cartoons but art is a beauty I commend excellent talent
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