Even if I do say so myself I'm pretty contented with these two variations for "Sid the Fly". Not to say that I didn't like the poem itself but on first reading the short rhyme about a daredevil fly who flew backwards for fun, until a chimney spout put pay to his play, I must admit to feeling a little underwhelmed with the possibilities for different illustration scenarios and character design. Once I got doodling however I think it's a case of limited options sometimes pushing you to come up with something interesting. I suppose illustration should never be limited options but always endless possibilities (although it's not always easy to think 'two faces in silhouette' instead of 'white candle stick'). For myself I cannot decide which version I prefer. I'm very happy with the multi-eyed close up on the fly and the approaching chimney spout but I also like the slapstick pacing of the dotted line double bounce off the chimney and the puzzled pigeon (for me it needs the second bounce...!) I did think of having the crows from "My Girlfriend" make a return appearance but it somehow seem more appropriate to have a pigeon on the TV aerial. I hope I'm not just amusing myself with this set of sketches... you start to wonder...
Absolutely love the re-interpretation of the compound eye - You, are a genius sir!
Patrophy - the wasting away of a ginger-haired postman.
It's cool like ever!!! ;O)
I like the flight path gag. But, for me, the "eyes" have it.
It's hard to decide between them, the eyes are brilliant. But so is the humour of the dotted line and the pigeon (you made the right move going with the pigeon over the crow). I'm going to choose the dotted line this time. But they're both so good, I expect I'll change my mind.
In my case I did like the poem so much because I think it is not just a matter of rythm but the meaning implicit in the lyrics.
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