Too long between posts! I've been beavering away on the book project in every spare moment and I'm happy, on the whole, with the way things are progressing. Still a fair few illustrations to go, and unfortunately I won't be able to post the finished pics on the blog for now. In saying that I do have a couple of vignette creatures that I've just finished for the "Beddy-byes Land" illustration (previously on mattdawsonblog...) which I can post. The publishers of the book were keen on sketch version 3 but also liked the bearded bees from the other sketches and asked for a bee to go along with the king and his cleaner. The scale issues of the little bee alongside the two figures didn't sit well with me but I felt a happy compromise was to isolate it as a top of the page vignette to accompany the main king and cleaner illustration in the page centre. Finally, for composition and added interest, I also worked in another vignette of a moustachioed snake for the foot of the page. Here they both are... More of something, anything, when I can :)
I remember that king illustration, and i think its awesome how you're workin on that again... keep posting dude...your work is loved by lots, dont deprive us of it! ;) How old are you anyway?
Genius! As I said, Matt, this is going to be a glorius body of work!
I'm jealous Gary!
Never trust a snake with a stach!!!
hihihi!!! This idea is great! I like so much moustaches, maybe because my dad have it!!!??? ;)
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