HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ONE & ALL! Hope you had jolly holidays and are raring to dive headlong into 2010! I've made a start on the first final artwork for the "There's A Lion In My Bathroom" book. Not sure what I'll be able to show on this but I'll keep the blog posted with whatever I can. To kick the blogging off in this shiny new year here is my (long overdue...) response to the Twisted Creatures project I share with my good friends Phil & Kev. For your amusement (I hope) may I present "Camel Spiders". After my 4 eyed robot and many eyed fly (previously on matts blog...) any excuse from here on in to draw something with more than 2 eyes... it's just so much fun! The next Twisted Creature is to be the Giraffe, so expect long necked shenanigans before too long :)
felicidaes matt y diversiĆ³n al crear!!
Happy New Year Matt! Love these spiders with humps! :D
All the best to your book :)
hahaha! It's looks fantastick! What kind of method you use in your paint!??? You have great style!!! :))))Good luck in your 2010 year!!! Yohohoooo! ;)
goosebumps anyone?!
These are very funny -- love the multiple eyes.
Ahh, this is great... a wonderful start to the new year for your blog too.
Camel Spiders, there's no getting away from them then.
Lovely work Matt, there's so much life in those little fellas, and you've achieved it with so much skill and restraint.
Fuzzy mountain crusaders, the camel spider! I’m sold!
Excellent characters... so much personality. Hope your 2010 is off to a great start!
Hello Matt and happy 2010!!! I hope you will share with us a lot of funny, terrific and nice illustrations in this year.
I love these multipled-eyes spiders, why are they climbing up the humps of a camel? The multipled-eyes spiders do strange things...
Those are the most likable spiders I have ever seen!
these designs are fantastic!
Why you don't make a stop-motion with these characters!
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