I'm in no way likening the lovely, fluffy Stephen Fry to Ignatius. Both are widely read but there the similarities end! Now I don't consider myself to be a caricaturist. Normally the likeness eludes me but I've been seeing Stephen F all over the pace this weekend, what with watching 'a bit of' Fry and Laurie on DVD, a Q.I repeat on T.V, reading his column in the Guardian, visiting his excellent upgraded website and going to watch his engrossing American series on TV tonight... I thought I'd have a go at immortalising our national treasure.
That's just perfect Matt, you should think about sending it to him... Really excellent, you've captured him brilliantly and the text in the background is the icing on the cake. Well done indeed!
By Jove, I think you've got 'im! I think though, before you send it to him, you should diffuse the pink from his nose to the rest of his head, or if not that then tone it down and give him some colour in his cheeks. But, pff, piffle paffle details what! He's great!
I like I. J. Reilly too, it has made me want to give him a try aswell, I'll re-read and send you the resulting sketch.
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