Thank you so much to Penelope Dullaghan and Brianna Privett over at Illustration Friday for making my ravens and pumpkins their pick of the week for this weeks IF topic "repair". The standard of work is so high each week on IF that to be picked out is very humbling and a big boost to my confidence. My sincere thanks also go to everyone who commented, congratulated or just popped by the blog. I really appreciate every comment. Illustration Friday is such a marvellous illustration institution and the IF community is jammed packed to the gills with talented, friendly and supportive people. Everyone turn to the illustrator next to them and give them a hug :)
Well done mate, really nice job.
Hi Matt,
Saw your work on Illustration Friday. Love your style, really great.
Congratulations, I think this is a terrific piece (as stated before) and was happy to see it center stage.
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