I've been listening a lot of late to the hilarious, ridiculously talented and thought provoking potty mouth that is Tim MInchin. Whenever I hear his "monkey's in shoes" lyric images just pop into my head so, this was by way of a warm up doodle one morning. A flippin monkey in some shoes... You have to agree it's a pretty concise summation of human evolution to this point. If anyone has a few minutes to spare, has pro science, anti religious leanings, isn't easily offended and just likes a good laugh give Minchin's musical stylings a go. My blogging has been sparse of late but I'm scribbling away on various bits and pieces which I hope will make for a few posts soon enough. Maybe a few more monkey's in assorted footwear till then...?! & PS. I'm aware it's an 'ape' in shoes...I just like drawing apes ;-)