Well it's that time of the year once again and it almost looked like I wouldn't get my own cards done, as I like to do each year. I was stuck for an idea and almost bought a pack (!) but my natural aversion to giving card companies money at christmas or, indeed, anytime of year (well OK, charity cards excepted...) spurred me on (as did the truly exceptional hand screened card arriving in the post from my good mate
Of late I've been (more so than usual) dischuffed with how some of my illustrations have turned out so I've been reworking things a day or so later to try and 'improve things'... never seems to solve all problems, just create a new set to be dissatisfied with! It's laudable to try and improve but counter productive to go backwards instead of forwards. Easier said than done sometimes...

First card attempt was the 'yool owl' idea. There's much I like about the little fella but my contrary 'jiminey cricket illustrator on my shoulder' made me try, try again.

So it's a christmas CARD as my christmas card this year. I like the notion but I'm still (version two this one) not entirely happy with how it's turned out. That said it's the thought that counts isn't it so... MERRY XMAS & A VERY HAPPY 2011 to EVERYONE who has happened on by my blog. I really do appreciate the comments I receive and I know 2011 is going to see the blogosphere crammed full of fantastic new work for us all to rabbit about!
Speaking of rabbits...oow, weak link alert... My two good chums, the afore mentioned
Phil and the previously mentioned
Kev hope to be releasing our vaguely rabbit themed joint blog creation onto an unsuspecting world very soon. I won't say anymore... watch out folks!
Enjoy those mince pies everyone!!!