Sunday 25 September 2016

au revoir blogger hello tumblr...

testing... testing ... can you still hear me blogger...over ? It feels like far too long since I posted anything on my blogger blog. I've come to the conclusion it's daft to run both a regular blogger and a tumblr for my illustrated ramblings so, sad though it is as I've been on blogger since 2007, I'm going to mothball this blogger site and focus my blogging attentions over onto my tumblr and my new look website at My old website url will also link to my new website, just to make it all the easier to find me. Now it's not the end. I'll still check in on the old blogger and, who knows, maybe I'll pull off the dustsheets and take it for a spin from time to time. For now though please frequent if you'd like to keep up to date with my latest work. Speaking of latest work, the dodo is a clue... why not pop on over to tumblr and have a gander (wait, that's geese not dodos isn't it...)!