With Halloween so close I couldn't resist combining this weeks Illustration Friday with an All Hallows Eve greeting. I was also inspired by a fascinating account I found of how an individual raven called Grip became the inspiration for both Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven" AND a character (appropriately a Raven...) in Dicken's "Barnaby Rudge". So here's an illustration of a couple of cheeky ravens showing just how smart they are by putting all the pieces back in the jackolanterns.
Cool stylization... Happy Halloween!
What a clever, seasonal response to the prompt. I really love the style of this.
Nice graphic treatment - Ravens are among the most intelligent birds, along with the parrots, with an ability to reason and use tools. There's a book called the mind of the Raven which is something of a classic.
Gorgeous piece! So simple and sweet!
What a great idea, and so beautifully done!
very cool
happy Halloween
Great idea and background story. Love the color choices too
We loves Corvids we does.
I bloody luv it!
Fantastic work. I really like the graphic quality.
I've been experimenting with this technique, but it isn't going smoothly thus far....
I LOVE this!
great concept! double wow! your work is the 'pick of the week'! congrats :)
Very cool!
this is lovely
Congrats on pick of the week! I really love this, and I use ravens in most of my work. They are so very clever...and you illustrate that well!
Very nice, I really like the colors and the graphic qualities. Congrats on pick of the week! : )
Nice, graphic look. Congratulations on being the pick of the week for Illustration Friday.
Very clever idea & appealing style! Congratulations on POTW!
Very well done! It's great that this picture won the pick of the week.
Really nice - especially since I'm partial to paintings that include crows or ravens!
Congratulations on pick of the week! I visited your site and felt compelled to comment on how much I enjoy your illustrations. Really fantastic work!
I love it! I love the colour, composition and the execution - very nice indeed!
beautiful, love the concept and design too!
Simpy beautiful!
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