Monday, 11 June 2012

iPad Hulk

I haven't used my ipad as much as I'd like for just kicking back and trying loose colour sketching. You cannot always get what you're after, even when using a stylus, but this finger painted hulk was great fun to do and has a certain something I'm pleased with. Also seems somehow appropriate, painting hulk with your fingers... Hulk no like puny pencils!


Unknown said...

pretty dang good for using the finger. I'd totally jump on board with getting an ipad as soon as they really nail a way to paint/draw otherwise my ipod touch is the closest thing to an ipad for me. :) awesome hulk. he looks hung over.

Noam Sussman said...

hahaha thats great. i agree he does look hung over

damon said...

that is really cool

i like it a lot

Golap said...

Excellent blog.......
me also writing on my blog...