After my drawn posting last week I was delighted to be contacted by Clay Sisk regarding his intriguing online illustration project "The Motel Project", created to promote his short live action film Motel. Clay's asking artists to download a sheet of headed stationery which he's created for his fictional motel and then work with it in any way they see fit.
It is a interesting way of promoting a film, any kind of publicity is good, but what matters is the final result.
I just recently set up my very first article site. y new site is in I wanted to look at other blogs to get ideas on how to make my blog awesome and I got a lot of great ideas off of your blog.thanks for the great ideas,I hope you don�t mind? I want to include some of your article on my site and of course I will link back to your site.Thank You.
Thanks mate... just dropped by. Will look for BIKE STN when we get to Seattle. Still in Buenos Airies.
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