I think I've got elephants on the brain at the moment, so much so that I felt compelled to rescue a toilet duck bottle from the rubbish...this is the result of an hours furious snipping and sticking. I like the face, although it does look like he's wearing a mask.
What a wonderful, wonderful little elephant. I think this is inspired. It makes me want to cuddle it.
love the mask, its super-toilet elephant. I want one to sit on the top of my tank and guard it :-)
Cool :) It looks like a big trundling behemoth, crime-fighting elephant.
Hey, that's a great elephant. Wonderful work throughout your blog. I do this kind of found object using a lot too, you should check some of it out.
it's like an elephant superhero
Hey Matt.
Love the Toiletephant!
super cool!
He is gorgeous!
Wow! IT is just amazing... Thanks for sharing it. Keep posting....
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