Well I wasn't sure about my design for Piggy and after a few days of staring at version one and filling page after page of the old sketch book I have something more appropriate to the character. It wasn't right to have Piggy in profile with one eye visable while Magnus and Grandpa were face on. Also the new design has Piggy constructed from similar basic shapes as the other two characters so they all seem to share the same 'world' (I hope). She also looks more like she enjoys her food (as the story calls for her to wolf down the odd bacon butty or two!). While I was tweaking things I also reduced the height on Magnus' head (even though I want his design to have parallels with the design of his lighthouse home...hence the stripey jumper... his head was just that bit too tall) and modified the eyes on all three (think you were right Kev, ta). The story continues... ...
Matt, these pieces are great - Loving the latest incarnations of the characters, I think you've nailed it with Grandpa's new Ahab-style beard, he looks every part the salty sea dog. Cant wait to see more on these three and the accompanying environments too.
Ive been kind of working in a similar direction as some of your newer stuff myself as Ive been trying to get away from using outlines on my characters, which Im finding quite hard at the minute but is something Ive wanted to do for a while.
Thanks for your comments on my last piece too.
The characters are coming along nicely. I like seeing them all together.
Personally, and maybe this is wrong, I don't think it's a bad thing to show some characters' faces from the front and others from the side. In fact, I like the variety in seeing the different views. I think you should draw them however they look best.
Your story book characters look nice. The only thing I'm not sure about is Piggy's beak.
Lovin the new design dude!!
Hi Matt, mind if I ask you a question?
How do you manage to get your shapes with such a clean edge? Are you creating some kind of mask and working/colouring within it or are you creating the shape and then 'cutting' it out?
Its fine if you dont want to give away you're secret, whatever it is it's workin great.
Good personages...
Best wishes from Buenos Aires...
Alexiev Store
i think these designs look really good. they all fit together in the same world well. you defintily got that grandpa right
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