Well January is here again. Everyone grit your teeth and we'll get through this month one way or another!
One ray of sunshine though... I was delighted to receive an email from Anthony Armstrong asking if he might use one of my illustrations to accompany his poetry podcast of William Blake's "The Tyger". If poetry is your bag you really should go along to "shirtless poetry" and have a gander.I must admit I struggle, but I do love that particular poem...it's so much easier to appreciate them when they rhyme don't you find (say's the poetry philistine in me :) Many thanks Anthony!
If you are wondering, yes, I'm still working on the book. I think I'll get a T-shirt printed with that on :) Remarkably I'm still really enjoying the whole process. My 'magnum opus' V2 is undergoing a fair few changes to the plot and I'll be as interested as anybody to see the results. I'm sure it was the right move to ditch the first version but I'm glad I went through it all as it has given me a foundation on which to build a stronger story. This second attempt is turning out to be a more fun book, both for me to work with and (hopefully) for others to read. I've given myself a deadline of mid March (my agent is off to the Bologna book fair at the end of March) for the whole book written and storyboarded with 2 or 3 finished colour spreads. I think it's the eventual sense of accomplishment that's keeping me going! As always more as it comes.
As I've said before, to those excellent few who are kind enough to visit this blog from time to time...MANY MANY THANKS. I feel guilty that I cannot yet give you regular posts to repay your interest and encouragement, and that I don't repay the favour and comment on your blogs as regularly as I should. Believe me when I say that I do visit your blogs when I can and always enjoy what I see. I don't do new years resolutions but I hope to be a better blogger this year! Here's to a happy and productive 2008 for us all! (clink of glasses) TTFN
Hey, Happy New Year.
Heres to a successful and fun 2008 with commissions all round!
Good to hear that you're still trucking with the book, looking forward to seeing some stuff from the redux.
Thanks for the comments on the Soldier piece, it was just a quick bit of fun really, dont think I'll take it any further as Ive got a few other ideas in my head that I would like to press on.
Thought I'd take this cue to say I'm really enjoying your work and always looking forward to more updates - I can't remember if it was the Drawn link, or the Bulgakov covers, that brought you to my attention, but I'm a regular. Good luck with the opus! Happy New Year...
Happy new year to you as well. If you scroll back a bit on my blog you'll see my new year's greeting to you. :-)
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