A bit strange this one, just take it as based on a dream (and not mine either... before you ask) and leave it at that. The frog in pieces (and drawn that way) is for a birthday card but while I had all the bits I couldn't resist assembling him and seeing what I had. Like the the tightrope elephant in an earlier post of mine I really like the surprise anatomy and pose you end up with by having the ability to shove limbs about the place. Think this could easily develop into a theme :)
Many thanks for all the kind comments on my last few posts (I'll post my children's book entry soon... ta for asking:) I haven't been blogging back at people and I'm sorry for that. As always I'll try to pull my blog socks up but I'm off for a week so they will have to stay at half mast until I get back from the wild north. If you're UK based have a great bank holiday ... for the rest of the planet enjoy the weekend folks! See you in a week, TTFN