A busy week or so but I've finally been able to knuckle down to some proper work on "The Fearsome Beastie" project I mentioned. Early days but I'm pretty happy with the character design so far. It remains to be seen if it will be suitable once I start fitting it into the story proper and what tweeks I'll have to make. The broad strokes of the tale are the Fearsome B comes into town on a dark and snowy night and proceeds to panic the local kiddiwinks. It gets it's just deserts in the end of course. The text calls for sharp claws, multiple tails and fangs. The author was also keen for scales and hair. I couldn't resist the multiple eyes after using them on an earlier character. I'm hoping they will prove useful in the spread I'm going to draw up where the FB has to sit and sob, all the while biding it's time till the kiddies get close... the two faced, four eyed swine! I must admit the multiple tails proved awkward at first. I wouldn't have chosen that feature myself but, as is often the case, I'm glad to have been pushed somewhere different. Still plenty to do...
Lovely, and surprising, stuff Matt. I don't think I've seen anything quite like this before.
Love seeing your steps mate, awesome work! :)
I love seeing the evolution of your ideas.
This is so cool.
Very nice. It's tough to be original and reference what has gone before - but you've managed it. The Gruffalo and the Wild Things are clearly influences, but this is pure Dawson Genius at it's best.
It's nice to be pushed and you've produced something lovely stuff as a result!
Excellent stuff, he's great. Really interesting to see how you developed him too.
I think he's just the right amount of monstery and scary for kids :)
wooooaahhh! woaahahhh! woooah!
These are stunning mate!
How have you been bro?
Yep I know about Hans Bacher man! He is such a sweet person, I bought his book just sometime back man! lovely aint it and his blog...had a chance to connect with him and speak with him virtually on the net too! very soft spoken :)
Nopee ya! Just working on my own short film, right now! Will call my bloggers friends in a years time now to see it :)
when I get the time, I sit and work on random stuffs! I wish they too come in the games...I love bots man! Just wanna move deep into designs n not just on a concept level...you know,right what I mean...
btw, I love the shapes you play with Matt. @ @ FEARSOME PROJECT! haha! sweet name!
His droollin looks like pee! lol! wicked!
Thanks for droppin by! heard from you after ages!
Hi Matt - Holy mackerel, your work is amazing! I'm totally loving every single piece, what a talent. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and leaving a lovely comment. So happy to have found you and your incredible artwork!
What a great design, I love him!
beautiful ... also very nice sketches...
Really great character: fierce yet still engaging and cute. This is going to be an awesome book.
Thanks for such an awesome comment dude... I'll experiment more with styles; but glad you're enjoying them! :)
Come on, update!
Terrifying and charming.
Great character! Love the freshness in your designs.
love your art! so much character in every piece!
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