So, hello... how are you...? I've been trying to loosen up and get a little playful to shake myself out of my creative funk. With an eye to productivity and goals I also wanted whatever I dabbled with to hopefully be applicable to the Fearsome beastie book spread...which should be a simple matter, sorry Giles (the author).
So here's an alligator.... my plan being a smorgasbord (I love that word, don't you...) of a few fearsome beasts that take my fancy which I can pick and mix from to inspire the final beastie. I know, I know, friends have said what I have already is OK but, for whatever reason, and it's probably me being my own worst enemy with this, the FB design I have so far just doesn't allow me to stage the action how I want it and, less concrete a point, just isn't quite what I'm after.
Perhaps it's all about that nebulous search for a distinctive creative approach that makes me stand out in the illustration crowd (and boy it's crowded) while also flicking my creative switches... Still I'm enjoying the change of scene and exploring colour and pattern must be a good thing.
Talking of the 'illustration crowd' I had chance to meet a fine group of talented and friendly illustrator folk last weekend. We all crawled away from our screens and desks, out into the real world... If any of you read this it was great to see all your work, shoot the breeze and pick your brains. Many thanks again to Cass for sorting it all out. It'd be grand to do it again sometime...
Very "you"! I like it... and I actually have no problem saying ornamental alligator 3 times in a row really fast! :P
Holy wowsers - colour plus pattern equals RAD! This is the most awesome alligator I have ever seen :) If this guy is the appetiser, I can't wait to sample the rest of your smorgasboard! :D
A walking mosaic.
nice :D
Great alligator, I like his expression.
I think it's good that you're revisiting your FB design. Not because I thought it wasn't any good, because I thought it was, but because if you're not happy with it it'll show in the illustrations, and you won't enjoy doing the work as much.
I find it takes courage to go back and try again with a design, but putting the extra effort in will pay off, and I'm sure the final one that you're happy with will be worth it, and will be excellent, rather than maybe just acceptable.
wow, matt, this is amazing (well, actually all your work is amazing)!
I love the super rich color and texture, and that almost Klimt-like feel. I can't wait to see what you come up with for your final beast!
your posts are always so inspiring!
This is fantastic. Terrific! Rich illustration.
Hi Matt!
Thanks so much for your little message on my blog! It was very lovely meeting you too at the ICA and I will definately make sure I turn up to the next gathering. It helps so much to talk to people, it puts things into perspective a bit more. I have trouble sometimes showing my work to people, but you were all very encouraging and positive.
I can't wait to see what you get up to next. I will check out those links and let you know how I get on with them.
Good luck with everything!
This is beautiful! I love it! The textures and colours here are beautiful.
Great stuff!
stunning design! why you don't post more illustrations of alligators.
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