Sounded a bit like a book title (maybe / might be it is one / will be one..?)... I'm waffling at an early stage. Here's the second fearsome beastie for the smorgasbord. Just playing about still to rethink things and freshen up. I went way more colourful on this than I would usually do and also played around with how I use scanned in texture. Although I fiddled perhaps a little too much I'm very happy with how the texture went and fairly content that I managed to wrestle the colours into something, if not serene, then at least distinctive. I wasn't planning on the speech bubble at the end but the gorilla made me do it!
Your gorilla is wonderful and love seeing the different stages of his development too. Gorillas ooze character and I'm more than curious as to what part this sullen chappie will play in your magical story. Quite like the idea of these animals being part of a magic lantern show too...Fantastic work Matt #:-) Rob H
Wow man, this is awesome!! really really great!
I love seeing how Mr Gorilla has developed from your first sketches. Fab-O! Awesome textures too
He's BEAUTIFUL! He reminds me a little of Brendan Wenzel's work, but still very (and mostly) Matt Dawson.
I love your alligator too. Not at first, but the more I look at him the more I see that he's just superb.
It is very good colour.
Nice and subtle, lots there, and still realistically gorillery somehow.
Nice to see the sketches too :)
He's fabulous, I'm loving all the textures too. And yeah, quite right with the speech bubble, I wouldn't mess with him either.
Cheerful fella :-) Great work on the posture and colours.
Could he be the psychedelic gorilla? Just a thought :-)
Wow Matt, this is really amazing. You really have the ability to make your work look hand painted, even when it's done digitally-not an easy task.
I love his posture and expression, as well as rich color and texture. Animals have always been my favorite subject matter, and I have the feeling it's the same for you since you always make it look so easy.
omygosh your work is really fantastic! I love the texture and design in your work!
I have the feeling it's the same for you since you always make it look so easy, yeah!, quite right with the speech bubble, I wouldn't mess with him either.
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