Could also be called, "Let sleeping Elephants lie".This is a photoshop piece to allow me to plan out colour and composition for a watercolour I'm going to do for a friend's Elephant charity. It's been a fun picture to do, and unlike some, has come from sketch book to finish quite quickly. I decided not to overwork tone on the elephant, just let the texture of the background do the work...(incidently the background is a scan of recycled coffee paper).
Cute idea. You draw great elephants.
That looks like a menacing little bird. Methinks he's gonna get his ass kicked!! Lovely textures :-)
Same thing happened to me once, the lesson to be learned is - never sleep underground with a bodily appendage poking out.
Aside from life lessons this is a great illo Matt, colour and composition are superb as usual.
Looking at the latest pieces on your blog it looks like your work is moving into a particularly distinctive style, is this a direction you're going to be following with other future works?
another great piece...inspiring!
this is great, I love your elephants!
I'm just wondering,how did he get in there ? ;)
Excellent piece of work, Matt. I love the elephants ears in this one. They look like gloves!
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